Wednesday 7 November 2018

Crypto Anchors - Tiny Chip That Fight Against Fraud!!


Today’s blog is all about new and breakthrough technologies ruling the world and from those technologies one of the finest technology is crypto anchors which was introduced by IBM in their 5 in 5 technologies coming out of their research labs.
These crypto anchors are connected to blockchain technology, as IBM said that the crypto anchors are world’s smallest computer to the date, the device contains thousands of transistors and it is smaller than a grain of salt, these crypto anchors can monitor, analyse, communicate and even act on the data.

A big question which will come in the mind of readers is, that how these crypto anchors works and what is the purpose of these crypto anchors, so here we have answers to these questions.
These crypto anchors used in tandem with blockchain ledgers and these crypto anchors ensures the authenticity of a product from the point of origin to the point when that product reaches in the hands of customer. This technology ensures the security of food and other product and the authenticity of various products like medicines. The main reason for making these crypto anchors is to fight against product fraud.

Crypto anchor is an important invention of IBM which secures the network of blockchain and comes in many forms and assure the security of a product from the point of production to the point of end user/customer.   

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