Thursday 22 November 2018




Cloud computing is a term which we are hearing every now and then, whenever we discuss about data, database, storage of data we always hear a term associated with them is cloud computing because now a days companies are focusing to work on their core competencies and core business rather than expanding resource on computer infrastructure and its maintenance. What is cloud computing? How it works? What are benefits of cloud computing? How it advantage companies? To answer all these question here is a small blog which will make you understand about cloud computing.
Cloud computing is the pool of configurable computer system resources, which provides high level of service and rapid provision of service with minimal efforts required by management as it allows companies to consume computer resource such as storage applications, virtual machines (VM) rather than maintain this service in-house with infrastructure. The definition suggests that cloud sourcing enables companies to maintain a cloud of data to third-party and do focus on their core business rather than taking tension about managing space for data. This cloud computing can minimize the cost of in-house infrastructure.

Key characteristics of cloud computing is:

1.       Organizations can move easily and with a speed as cloud computing provides them flexibility and expanding technological infrastructure resource.
2.       Cost reduction for companies as when companies subscribe public-cloud model so they covert their capital expenditure to the operational expenditure.
3.       The maintenance of cloud computing is much easier as they should not be installed in every computers or something like that and can be access by different places, different working conditions.
4.       Multitenacy enables sharing of resources and cost across the pool of users.
5.       The performance I monitored by the IT experts from the service provider.

Deployment models:

1.       Private cloud: the private clouds are solely operated by single organization, it is capital intensive method which is managed internally or externally. These private clouds have criticism on them that they still have to be buy build and managed. But it has its benefits also.
2.       Public clouds: a cloud is called public cloud when the service is rendered over a network that is open for public, there is no difference between the architecture of public and private clouds, and however security consideration may differ in the service of storage application and other resources.
3.       Hybrid cloud: hybrid cloud is the composition of both clouds public and private, they remain distinct entities but bound together offering its benefits. Basically it allows one to extend the capabilities and capacities of cloud servicing by merging and expanding services to the other cloud type.

Security and privacy:

There are security and privacy concerns about cloud computing because the service provider can access data any time. It could accidentally and deliberately delete or alter the information which can be negative for company and service provider can share information with the third party. These are some of the security and privacy issues regarding cloud.


Companies have limited customization options, cloud computing is cheaper because of its economies of scales and you get what you get, they don’t work on your demands. Companies do cloud computing and take a risk and should match against benefits. Secondly privacy and confidentiality is a big concern that company is providing there all data to a cloud, so there is a concern of privacy and secrecy which can leads to serious issues.
In conclusion of this blog I will recommend that companies who cannot bear IT infrastructure cost they should go for cloud computing as it is beneficial in terms of economies of scale.

Wednesday 21 November 2018



Robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. Robots are designed to do the tasks which are traditionally performed by human beings that means robots are replacing man power? To some extent they are replacing humans but in today’s time robots are widely used in automobile manufacture to perform repetitive and same tasks in which high level of decision making is not required and it is also used in the industry where work must be perform in hazardous environment and humans health can be effected by that environment. 
There is not one aspect of robot there are several aspects which includes artificial intelligence, robots may be equipped with the sense like humans vision, touch and ability to sense the temperature and some robots are even capable of simple decision making and this technology is even growing and in future it will make robot capable of making decisions in unstructured environment and mobility.
If you all think that the technology like robot is future so you better think that it is not future now it is present as many things are happening today, that day is not too far when you will go to the store, easily and cheaply buy a robot which will clean your house and wait on you whatever you want to do. These things are becoming possible because technology is becoming better with time and high tech companies are making pretty good robots which are much more impressive than any other technology. These re some of the examples of robots who are changing the world:
Starship technologies: starship technologies built this delivery robot which can deliver parcel or post things within two-mile radius.
 Kuri: kuri is the robot like a home designed personality which move around your home freely and it is designed to fit in home and become part of your family, entertain your loved ones, play music for them and capture special moments.

Romeo: Romeo is a humanoid sized robot which is designed and built for the elderly, by helping them to open the door climb stairs and reach for the objects they need, perform care duties this robot will help elderly to live in their own homes for longer time.

 Buddy: buddy is a revolutionary robot which is designed and built to improve your family lives as it helps you in every day task, entertain you, offer reminders, make video calls, helps you in kitchen for recipes and watch you home when you are out.

Moley robotics kitchen: if you are not a fan of cooking, so this moley robot is for you as it can cook whatever recipe you want to cook, it can learn new recipes and cook them even clean after cooking is done.


Merging humans and machines in called artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence which is also called machine intelligence, is the intelligence which is demonstrated by machines, in contrasted to the natural intelligence which is displayed by humans and animals. Basically artificial intelligence is when machine mimics humans in the form of problem solving and learning. Artificial intelligence is increasing day by day because it is considered as robot with human characteristic the big example of artificial intelligence is SIRI and self-driving cars. To create artificial intelligence businesses needs three things data, infrastructure and algorithms, by these things they can create a new world for them are for years a head they will overcome new challenges with a victory.
1)      Google’s AI-powered predictions: Google maps can predict traffic, using data form smart phones.
2)      Ride sharing Apps: which includes Uber and Careem as how the calculate fare, how to minimize wait time-AI is working for them
3)      Self-driving car: this is future technology buy AI which will decrease accidents and will make commute even shorter.
The conclusion of this blog is in the future human and robots communication will eventually enhance, robots will be the part of everyday human lives. 

Thursday 15 November 2018


Technology the word people use randomly, and technology from the 2 to 3 decades becoming more and more part of our lives or basically we are becoming handicap because of technology. Take a moment and analyse that how you all are occupied with this technology thing, what did you find? Gadgets, video monitoring computers etc.
We all are occupied with technology you have laptop in your hand, you have cell phone next to your bed and even you drink a coffee by making it in a coffee maker- these all are the examples of how technology is changing our lives and transformed every aspect of our lives, some for good and some for bad.
Now I will tell you all in this blog that how technology is moulding our lives into a new world of technologies, from which some are good for us and some are not good for us but even the technology is not good still people are taking them in account and making part of their lives.
This is a big question that whether technology is improving our lives or not, the answer to this question may varies from person to person, in my perspective technology to some extent improving human lives and to some extent not improving but harming human lives.
Technology is enhancing so fast and innovations are taking place rapidly, technology is making a positive difference in different fields like, physical health and comfort, medical technology is improving day by day, this leads to lower infant mortality, other diseases cures and variety of equipment inventions. On the other hand technology did not improve mental health as suicide rates are increasing, especially in developed countries and depression is becoming most common medical condition and this is because people are becoming less happy as technology progressing, people are becoming less happier because they are connecting to their devices more and the world around them less.
“So as a result we can say technology that improves our quality of life without actually improving it”
The advertisement is continuously convincing us that new technology new inventions are improving our lifestyle, improving our quality of life and providing us comfort and comfortable life, getting a new latest and fancy phone is exciting!  Who doesn’t want the new phone or car which is improving our lifestyle and providing us comfort but in the end people are coming towards same lifestyle and old lives without becoming happier or healthier, so technology is doing many new promises to the world but actually not keeping their promises.
This is one side of technology which is based on improving humans life on the other hand technology is making peoples live easier also as they grow for example, the future of technology is bright as many new technology is becoming part of our lives which will make our life much easier, like, artificial intelligence and robotics, virtual reality, blockchain and crypto anchors technology.

In conclusion I will mention that technology is good and bad for human lives because in some areas technology is playing good role and making peoples live easier however technology is bad for the mental health of the individuals and creating health issues.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Crypto Anchors - Tiny Chip That Fight Against Fraud!!


Today’s blog is all about new and breakthrough technologies ruling the world and from those technologies one of the finest technology is crypto anchors which was introduced by IBM in their 5 in 5 technologies coming out of their research labs.
These crypto anchors are connected to blockchain technology, as IBM said that the crypto anchors are world’s smallest computer to the date, the device contains thousands of transistors and it is smaller than a grain of salt, these crypto anchors can monitor, analyse, communicate and even act on the data.

A big question which will come in the mind of readers is, that how these crypto anchors works and what is the purpose of these crypto anchors, so here we have answers to these questions.
These crypto anchors used in tandem with blockchain ledgers and these crypto anchors ensures the authenticity of a product from the point of origin to the point when that product reaches in the hands of customer. This technology ensures the security of food and other product and the authenticity of various products like medicines. The main reason for making these crypto anchors is to fight against product fraud.

Crypto anchor is an important invention of IBM which secures the network of blockchain and comes in many forms and assure the security of a product from the point of production to the point of end user/customer.